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Red Shoe Crew

Supporting RMCHAA through service, fundraising, and advocacy.

Who is the Red Shoe Crew?

The Red Shoe Crew Ann Arbor is a group of young professionals, 22 years of age and older, supporting the mission of Ronald McDonald House Charities Ann Arbor (RMHCAA) through volunteering, fundraising, and being ambassadors in our community.

What does the Red Shoe Crew do?

Our mission is to support RMHCAA through service, fundraising, and advocacy. We will accomplish our mission in the following ways:

  • Sharing the mission of RMHCAA with our peers and networks, actively promoting the Crew, and working to increase membership.
  • Providing volunteer support individually and as a group through meal programs, family activities, and administrative tasks.
  • Facilitating third-party fundraisers and assisting with the execution of the annual Red Shoe Affair.
  • Wear red shoes everyday! Just kidding, but wearing them to an event is always in fashion!

Join the Red Shoe Crew

1. Complete the application and email it to Jeremy Heinlein at jheinlein@rmhcannarbor.org

2. Pay $100 ($150 for couple) in membership dues.
Your donation is 100% tax deductible.

Red Shoe Crew 2024